If you haven't heard, the final release of WebRotate 360 Product Viewer v3.5 is out. You may download it here and also please check out our updated user guide. And if you have purchased our PRO license before, email to support at webrotate360 dot com for the commercial download of the software.

These days we're busy updating all of our plugins and add-ins to run the latest and greatest and this includes making sure the v3.5 script is bundled with all of our plugins, adding latest features and fixes and also testing on the latest platform releases. So today this post is about our WordPress integration which was updated just a couple of days ago so now we can proudly acknowledge that WebRotate 360 Product Viewer v3.5 is supported in the brand-new WordPress 4 released earlier this month.

In addition to updating scripts and css, we made sure there're no conflicts with the new default WP 4 theme. Also, as we reported here before, our WordPress integration is now fully responsive in the embedded mode with the addition of the basewidth short-code parameter.

PS: next update will see our new support for all of the recent 360 viewer skins which for now requires a manual change in the plugin file (i.e replacing word basic with either thin, retina, round or empty in the three places in webrotate360.php that can be found under the webrotate-360-product-viewer plugin folder).